Pattern:Simple Skyp Socks
by Adrienne Ku
Yarn: Knit Picks Stroll Tonal (Blue Violet)
Turned out it was a perfectly timed carrot, as well: My first pair of socks was too small (and went to Izzy) and this second pair was too big (but not so big, thankfully, that they don't make good bed socks). In the quest for a "just right" pair, what better help could there be than the Yarn Harlot, herself?
Yesterday, I attended my first Yarnover, kicking off the morning with a Grok the Sock class taught by Ms. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. It's why I wanted at least two pairs of socks under my belt... Nothing motivates like potential humiliation.
My self-imposed deadlines and stress were definitely worth it. What a great class, and what a great teacher! Here's my in-progress baby sock in the foreground, with classmates' photo opp. in the background.
And here's the finished baby sock, which I Kitchenered last night. And what's that in the picture? Yep, it's the start of pair #3, fully informed and on its way to that "just right" fit.

I had more time than planned over lunch since my friend Susan got a nasty bug and couldn't attend at the last minute (no swapping of notes). So for better or worse, I then took full advantage of the market. (A thank-you shoutout to my sister and brother-in-law for the birthday bucks that bought both sets of fabulous vintage buttons.)

I finished up the day with a Celtic Cables class by Melissa Leapman, where I managed to execute the following two swatches to my disbelief and pure joy. As you might guess from the book, I'm jazzed to bring on the cables in another project or two.
Except for the missing Susan part, a fantastic day. Already planning for next year.