Saturday, I went a little crazy. I started by weaving in the ends of five dishcloths and one dishtowel that I knit in a stash- and stress-busting frenzy that started mid-September. That led to weaving in more ends (a shawl and two cowls). Then adding the thumbs on a pair of fingerless mitts that had been languishing for more than a month. I finished the finishing by ripping back and re-knitting the toes on too-big socks. Here's the pile I ended up with; now for the blocking...

And since I'm in catch-up mode, here are a pair of socks I finished in August and gifted to my mother.
Pattern: A Good, Plain Sock by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Yarn: Crazy Zauberball (Spring Is Here)
And here is a baby hat that got the quickest of photoshoots before going into the gift bag.
Pattern: Dinofied Wee Balaclava by by mama cerise
Yarn: Cascade 200 (Lichen) & Ella Rae Classic (Yellow-Lime Heather)
Time for a break...aka, more knitting! ;-)
What a pretty pile!!! And I love that hat. Makes me want to have a little one around again. Almost.