Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

FO: Trio of Hats, Ravelympics Fortitude

Just to be clear: I haven't thrown in the proverbial towel on my Moderne Log Cabin blanket.

Rather, thanks to the wise words of McMary, I've reframed my perspective. The new goal? A personal best, which really couldn't be more achievable given that this is my first Ravelympics appearance. So let's see just how much I can get done in the remaining Olympics week. And let's be smart about competing — like the marathon winding session this morning of all remaining blanket yarn (with an assist from Izzy).

As the weekend comes to a close, here's the current standing: one block (#5) down and another well on its way. Not to mention a renewed appreciation of the miles of Zen this project offers.

Oh yeah, and just to appease that crazy type-A part of my personality, I made and attached the tassels on my trio of hats WIP. Knitting was done a few weeks ago, but I just don't enjoy making pompoms, tassels, etc. Seriously, the amount of angst (and procrastination) produced by these finishing details is crazy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

So, um, yeah.... The Ravelympics. Knitting as a sport. Citius, Altius, Fortius.

One week after the opening ceremonies, nearly halfway through the Winter Games, and it's looking less and less likely that this knitter will finish the race. A spectacular crash into the sidelines is a surer bet.

It seemed like a good idea at the time — using the event as a chance to finish a stalled WIP, rather than going for the gold and casting on a new project to be finished in 17 days. So I entered my Moderne Log Cabin blanket, which looked like this when I stalled out in mid-November.

Here's where it was at the end of last weekend.

That's pretty much another 200 yards of yarn, and it gained me about 3% (if I'm being generous) of the total blanket. Sigh. At least the miles of garter stitch involved are a good match for watching the winter sports, which I do love. And, as I learned last Saturday, working on a large, wool blanket is the perfect choice when sitting in a freezing ice rink watching the kid's skating lesson.

Next Ravelympics? I'll be signing up for the single-skein skate.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010