Saturday, December 31, 2011

FO: Fear of Commitment Cowl

And now we come to the end of the holiday knitting madness.

Given what I'd started, I had to add a knit gift for my sister — especially since she's the only one of the crew who's done any knitting. I'm nothing if not a planner (and deadline driven, in case you haven't yet figured that out), so I'd wisely purchased enough Malabrigo to make this wrap for her.

Pattern: Fear of Commitment Cowl by Julie Weisenberger
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted (Red Mahogany)

In case anyone needs to know this for future reference — not that I'm advocating for that madness — this wrap can be completed in a couple of days. It also makes good airplane knitting.

FOs: Malabrigo Loafers

Somewhere between finishing the Transverse cardigan and knitting a pile of monster parts, I sort of lost my mind. That's really the only explanation I can come up with for why it seemed wise to plan more holiday knitting at the end of November. 

Um, yeah...

So I grabbed the Malabrigo and cast on slippers for my father and brother-in-law. Since it was only after I'd purchased the yarn that I got the pattern, I didn't realize that short rows were involved. So, yes, I unwittingly queued up a new skill test for myself just to add to the Christmas frenzy. As I said, sort of lost my mind.

Pattern: Malabrigo Loafers by Julie Weisenberger
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted (Marine & Red Mahogany)

Once I'd committed to the project, though, I went all in and decided to knit sole inserts for both pairs. If you're going to wear Malabrigo on your feet, why not make it extra cushy? Both pairs were finished before we left New Mexico, but I didn't get a chance to photograph the second one until we were in MN (hence the crappy shot on flannel sheets).

FO: Monster Mania

I had so much fun making the Penelope Sisters that I decided to create another grouping, this time for my nieces and nephews. Since all four are under the age of 5, I went the practical route on the yarn. There's just something so cute (at least to me) about super-sized monsters for little kids, so I chose super bulky.

Pattern: Penelope the Empathetic Monster by Rebecca Danger
Yarn: Wool-Ease Thick & Quick (Sky Blue, Lemongrass, Fig)

They we a big hit — not that you'd exactly know that from this I Love Lucy attempt at a group photo.

FO: Taos Transverse

The only thing I've been working on longer than this now finally finished cardigan is the Moderne Log Cabin... and that's a blanket, so much more deserving of the extended timeframe.

I'm very happy to announce that it was finished in time to make it under the tree for my mother.

Pattern: Transverse Cardigan by Ann Weaver
Yarn: Hand-dyed yarn from 2010 Taos Wool Festival

Good thing she liked it enough to be willing to pose for the FO photos. Izzy helped with the photoshoot so she gets the credit/blame for the final goofy pose. And, yep, that's Northern Minnesota in late December — just barely enough snow to call it a White Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Lots of Christmas knitting to unveil here in the next week or so (after it's all been opened). But in the meantime wanted to send out quick holiday wishes from mine to yours. May your days be merry and bright!